Mohamed Benkedadra

ARIAC (2021 - 2024)

Experienced in Full-stack and Cloud Engineering. Currently working on AI for safety in construction sites and workflow optimization ! Making moves in the MLOps space

Real time Edge AI for Safety in Construction Sites and Public Environments


2D cameras are often used in interactive systems. Other systems like gaming consoles provide more powerful 3D cameras for short range depth sensing. Overall, these cameras are not reliable in large, complex environments. In this work, we propose a 3D stereo vision based pipeline for interactive systems, that is able to handle both ordinary and sensitive applications, through robust scene understanding. We explore the fusion of multiple 3D cameras to do full scene reconstruction, which allows for preforming a wide range of tasks, like event recognition, subject tracking, and notification. Using possible feedback approaches, the system can receive data from the subjects present in the environment, to learn to make better decisions, or to adapt to completely new environments. Throughout the paper, we introduce the pipeline and explain our preliminary experimentation and results. Finally, we draw the roadmap for the next steps that need to be taken, in order to get this pipeline into production.

KEYWORDS : Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning


Sidi Ahmed Mahmoudi

Embedded and Explainable AI

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Matei Mancas

Attention Models

Stream-based active distillation for scalable model deployment

Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023

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A review and comparative study of explainable deep learning models applied on action recognition in real time

Electronics 12 (9), 2027, 2023

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Feedback Driven Multi Stereo Vision System for Real-Time Event Analysis

Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media …, 2023

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Enhanced Road Lane Detection Facing Sun Glare

Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 773-788, 2021

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